Golden Earring: Moontan - 1973
This was Dutch rockers Golden Earring's ninth album (yes, ninth!). It is, thus far, the only one I am familiar with. Certain records instantly bring up a certain time in my memory bank. Radar Love by Golden Earring is one of those. Whenever I hear it, it is the autumn of 1973 again and what a track it was too. More of that later. In the meantime, we have an album to discuss. I remember the album, as is so often the case, from idly flicking through sleeves in record shops on a Saturday morning (I loved the sexy cover, of course) but it is only now that I have come to pay it due respectful attention. It's a good album. Containing only six songs, it is a strange hybrid of riffy, driving rock, ambient prog passages and all out poppy rock. That is not to say that it is not enjoyable, however, and several listens have found me really getting into it. Seventies Dutch bands - Golden Earring or Focus? It's got to be Barry Hay and his mates.... Beginning with a fine piece of wah-wah-...