Big Country: The Buffalo Skinners - 1993
Similar, but heavier, chunkier and more concise at twelve tracks, is this one. It was the band’s last great album.
Again there is a US theme to quite a few of the tracks such as The Selling Of America and, like with Ships, We’re Not In Kansas makes a second, rockier appearance. A bit of recognisable Big Country guitar appears every now and again, such as on Alone, What Are You Working For, The One I Love and the excellent Seven Waves. Long Way Home is anthemic Big Country at their very best.
Overall, there seems to be just a bit more verve and clarity to the songs than on the previous album, but that is just a feeling of mine, it is not that distinguishable, just something more “oomphy” about it. Oh, and Ships is just bloody marvellous. Nobody bothered much about this album and that does it a disservice, because it’s great.