Jean Michel Jarre: Oxygène - 1977
Incidentally, my main memory of JMJ was that he managed to bag himself upper-crust English actress Charlotte Rampling to aid him in his off-stage relaxation. Oh, that French charm.
Back to the album. Music was not all punk and disco in 1977, much of it was still dominated by prog rock and by albums like this, which had their initial roots in that genre. Something like Tangerine Dream’s Phaedra helped give birth to albums such as this one. It is a much shorter album (sub forty minutes) than I previously imagined and thus, it is not too wearing to listen to. Ten more minutes or more, though, and I would be feeling differently, I’m sure. Anyway, Part I and Part III are made up of ambient, synthesised, sweeping noises.
Part II is much deeper, more catchy and hooky, with a nice bass sound underpinning it. It sounds sort of instantly recognisable, for some reason. Maybe it has been used as back ground or soundtrack music many times.