Marc Cohn: Marc Cohn - 1991
This was a really impressive debut album from Billy Joel-ish singer-songwriter Marc Cohn. Unfortunately, he didn't do too much more after this, but this stands as one the great, underrated debuts.
Walking In Memphis is the first of the album's three classics, for me. It is packed full of atmosphere, great lyrics and a soulful, gospelly power that blows you away. Cohn's voice is great, ideally suited to the song and eminently better than Cher's "walking in MOM-PHOS" appropriation. I love the final verse when Cohn is asked by Muriel "are you a Christian, child?" and he replies "ma'am I am tonight" and the gospel choir kicks in. Love it.
My favourite track of his is the Springsteen-ish Silver Thunderbird, a tale of his father reflecting on his pride and joy of a car - "Son you must take my word - if there's a God up in Heaven - he's got a silver thunderbird". Bruce himself could not have penned a better couple of lines, could he? Once more, the song overflows with atmosphere and perfect characterisation and you can see his father so clearly - I always pictured him as looking something like Lee J. Cobb in Twelve Angry Men. When the last verse begins with just Cohn at the piano it is spine-tinglingly moving. Killer, absolute killer of a song.
In between we get several bluesy shuffles like Ghost Train, Dig Down Deep and 29 Ways. The album is a mix between gritty blues and piano balladry.
Proceedings end on two romantic notes in the gently beautiful and again subtly rhythmic Perfect Love and the simply sublime declaration of soulmate love in True Companion. It is one of the best love songs ever written, for me. A few weeks after buying this album, back in 1991, I met the love of my life who has been my true companion ever since, so there you go."When the years have done irreparable harm, I can see us still walking arm in arm...". We still do, Marc, we still do.
This was the only album that Marc Cohn was really known for (he did release four more, I think), and if that was unfortunately the case it was a good one to be known for.