Eagles: The Long Road Out Of Eden - 2007
Roughly, the album can be separated by its two CDs - the first recalling the smooth country rock of the seventies while the second looks back, sonically, to the eighties and has many vibes of Don Henley's The End Of The Innocence album. This is only to an extent, though, because much of the second half of the first part is also distinctly eighties-style Henley-esque. There are highlights worthy of individual mention, however. How Long has an obviously Take It Easy riff and melody to it and is classic Eagles fare.
The appealing Busy Being Fabulous is a track that would have fitted fine on the afore-mentioned Don Henley album, The End Of The Innocence. Guilty Of the Crime is a great, upbeat riffy grinder. A favourite of mine is the Springsteen-esque (in places) No More Cloudy Days. Do Something is beautiful, as is I Don’t Want To Hear Any More.