The Four Tops: Nature Planned It - 1972
Now without the services of Holland/Dozier Holland, The Four Tops showed that they could still put out a good album -
- the highlights of which were I Am Your Man, the powerful single ballad Nature Planned It (It's The Way), the robust, punchy soul of I Can't Quit Your Love, the catchy old-style Motown of I'll Never Change (Nature Planned It's 'b' side), the Northern Soul glory of Walk With Me Talk With Me Darling, the funky She's An Understanding Woman and Happy (Is A Bumpy Road), which was also recorded by The Supremes. Levi Stubbs also goes all General Johnson with his "brrr" vocals on You Got To Forget Him Darling. As long as Levi was doing the business, The Four Tops would still release convincing albums like this one.