David Bowie: My Top Ten Singles
Now, I am not given to making top tens, because my opinions are always changing and I find it impossible to say that one song is better than another, but I've decided to do a few, so here goes with the incredibly difficult task of narrowing David Bowie's 45 rpm output down to ten. As you can tell from this list, I'm a seventies Bowie man. Where do I personally begin with David Bowie? Well, it was on the 6th of July in 1972 when I saw him on Top Of The Pops doing Starman . I was thirteen years old. He was completely new to me. Funnily enough, I had no memory of Space Oddity from 1969, despite knowing a lot of chart songs from back to the mid-late sixties. That one had strangely passed me by. Now, in 1972, though, I was like many, fascinated by what I saw on the TV. Contrary to many people's experience, who found their parents despising him and his glam/androgynous appearance, my Mother loved him. A few months later I was really into the John, I'm Only Dancing si...